
Calling All HAMS (Amateur Radio Operators)!!! We Need You!!!

The Veterans Parade is a fun & exciting way to give back & honor those who have served!

It’s so easy, any licensed ham can do it!

  1. Parade Day: Arrive at CCHS (Cumberland County High School – 660 Stanley St, Crossville, TN – Near the Jet) at 8am.
  2. Have a quick meeting.
  3. Go to designated staging areas &/or parade route location.
  4. Arrive at designated spot = check-in on net. (Depending on location along parade route, if comfortable, ask people who park on-street to move off parade route.)
  5. When police/honor guard arrive at your position, call in on net, parade start at your location.
  6. Parade end, call Net saying parade end at your location.
  7. Secure your station.
  8. Free to go! Hopefully you would join us at the free Re/Max Lunch! (Please RSVP if possible)

Of course, anything you feel needs to be called in, please do! We will have contact with police, fire & ambulance. Parade participants &/or public may come to you for info &/or help. Also if parade committee needs to speed up, slow down or stop the parade, participants will be instructed to follow a ham’s instructions.

What to Wear: Clothes! If you have a “Safety Vest”, we ask you to wear it so you will stand out to participants & public. If you don’t have one, we have loaner vests.

If you want to walk around, you are free to (just don’t wander too far from your designated spot). Want to bring a chair to sit, more than welcome.

What to Bring: An HT that can work on a repeater &/or simplex.

If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact us (webmaster is a ham)!!!